I'm going to attempt to type out Elise's labor and delivery story, even though some of it was a bit fuzzy at the time... which means it's even more fuzzy now :). I'll try my best, though.
I started having random contractions on Wednesday night, December 18th. I was hoping they would pick up speed on Thursday but they pretty much stayed the same. I went in to work for half a day Thursday but told my boss I would not be back on Friday... I was determined ;). I went home and tried to get things in order. I had a feeling we might need to clean things up, so I had Jason help me get the guest bedroom ready, just in case we had to have his mom stay with Logan overnight. As we were making the bed, I felt a warm gush and just knew my water had broken. I told Jason as I ran to the bathroom and he said "are you sure you didn't just pee your pants?" I was sure ;). I called my doctor's office and they told me it wasn't an emergency but that I should pack my things and come to the hospital. We contacted Jason's parents and they headed to our house. We left the house and arrived at the hospital around 10pm and they were expecting us.
They took me to room B2 and checked me to make sure my water had actually broken and it had. They hooked me up to the fetal and contraction monitors, IV (fluids & penicillin every 4 hours for Group B Strep), drew blood and basically told me to get comfortable because I wasn't leaving until the baby was here. When they checked my cervix, I was only dilated to about 1cm and I think I was about 70-80% effaced. I was starting to feel the contractions more but they were still coming at only about every 10-15 minutes. I think they waited to check me again until the next morning and I had dilated to 3cm. My doctor (Dr. Lambert) had gotten to work at this point so he told the nurse to start me on pitocin to get my contractions going in a better pattern (more frequent and intense). I had been dealing with the pain fairly well until then but the pitocin (aka Devil's venom) put me over the edge. I finally requested the epidural, which the nurse thought would help me relax enough to dilate more. When the anesthesiologist showed up, I was ready for the drugs. I seriously almost gave that man a hug. Anyway, once it kicked in, I was much more comfortable and was able to rest a little bit. Soon after they gave it to me, they told me I was no longer able to eat or drink and that I was only allowed to have some ice chips. They kept pumping fluids into my IV, so I guess that was supposed to keep me from getting dehydrated.
I really wish I had snuck a Zantac at some point that morning because my heartburn was really horrible. When they checked me again in the afternoon, I had dilated to 5cm and was about 90% effaced but baby Elise was still really high up and definitely not in position in my pelvis. The nurse had me trying all sorts of different positions in the bed to try and get the baby to drop. Since I had the epidural, I wasn't allowed to get out of the bed to squat or walk or anything like that. One of the positions she had me try was lying on my side with one leg propped in the air and the other leg straight out. I had to roll over about every 20 minutes and one such roll made me really nauseous. The nausea combined with my heartburn made me throw up and when I threw up, I had a heart palpitation. I've had these since I was really young and they used to be much more frequent but even now when I get them, they only last about 5 minutes and then they go away after I lie down and breathe slowly. Well... that wasn't the case this time. The nurse called the doctor and a cardiac team and soon there were about a dozen doctors in my room asking me questions, hooking me up to an EKG, doing an echo on my heart, and monitoring my heart along with the baby's. The baby was completely content so they didn't freak out as much as they could've but after all the tests came back showing that everything was normal, they decided to try a beta blocker first and when that didn't work they tried another drug that started with a D (don't remember), which finally brought my heart rate back to a normal level. They said it had been about 20 beats higher than the baby's which was averaging around 130. The palpitation had lasted about a total of 30 minutes, which I thought "of course this had to happen while I'm in a hospital", oy :). After all of this, they determined that I have what they called SVT, which is Supraventricular tachycardia and sounds like nothing to be really concerned about but they still kept me hooked up to a monitor for the duration of the delivery.
After my SVT episode, they started the pitocin drip again and Dr. Lambert continued to check on me to make sure I was feeling ok. I was making progress yet it was very slow. I was sure Dr. Lambert was going to get tired of waiting and just tell me it was time to have another C-section but as long as I made some kind of progress, he gave me "2 more hours" each time, which kept me going. Late Friday night, my epidural stopped working. The anesthesiologist came back to my room and tried giving me another dose of pain killers, but they didn't work. The nurse called him back and he redid the epidural completely. It worked pretty well but I still felt pain in my lower abdomen. Even so, there wasn't much that he or anyone else could do about it so I just dealt with it. At 2am on Saturday I was dilated to 9.5 and was 90% effaced. Baby Elise was still really high, though. My nurse continued to do whatever she could to try and get the baby to drop. Elise was also in a bad position in my belly... she liked to curl up to the side. One thing the nurse did was tie a sheet around my belly to keep the baby in the center of my belly. It was kinda comical, really. At some point early Saturday morning, the 2nd epidural stopped working. A 3rd anesthesiologist came to the room and ended up redoing the epidural for a 3rd time. Again, it worked ok but I still felt pain. As a side note, anytime a new doctor or nurse came to my room, they commented on the excitement I caused earlier... apparently "that girl in B2" had quite a reputation :).
At 4am I was 10cm dilated and 100% effaced. The baby was still really high up, though, so the nurse was getting a bit discouraged and wasn't sure if I would be able to avoid a C-section or not. At 5:30am we decided that I should start pushing along with my contractions to see if I could move the baby into a better position. After about 30-45 minutes of pushing, the nurse started getting really excited, saying "you're doing it!". My doctor came in around 6:30 (I think) and was pleasantly surprised. He said he had come in to talk to me about moving forward with a C-section but he could see that I was making progress and that I was doing a great job. I could definitely feel pressure from the baby moving into position so I set a goal for myself of 7:30am. It seemed reasonable at the time but time really went by fast while I was pushing. I think it was around 7:30 when the nurse called for the doctor and a team to come prep for delivery. I was pretty delirious at this point. Even though contractions were coming every few minutes, I kept falling asleep in-between them. My eyes were so swollen that I finally told Jason to tell me when another contraction was starting (yes, I felt them but they were hard to recognize between the pain and pressure of the baby's position).
Everyone who was in the room was encouraging me and telling me to push harder. I was getting a bit frustrated at that point because it was a little after 8:00 and she still hadn't come out. My nurse from overnight (Mary) even stayed past the time she was supposed to leave because she wanted to see Elise born :). I kept pushing and just about the time when I was going to request an episiotomy (or anything to get her out), the doctor gave me one. With my next push at 8:17am, she came out and they put her on my chest while they massaged her to get her breathing. It was a really crazy moment... I was exhausted beyond words but so happy at the same time. This experience was so different than Logan's birth (c-section). I got to have skin-to-skin contact with Elise right away, they honored my request of delayed cord clamping, and I was able to start nursing her within 30 minutes of her birth. Before the nurses did anything with/to Elise, they asked me if it was ok.
Baby Elise is absolutely perfect. She has my chin, Jason's toes, and she has such a sweet temperament. She rarely cries, she loves to snuggle, and she eats and burps like a champ :). She was 7 lbs 15oz and 20.5" long and is a beautiful little girl :). Even though my labor and delivery didn't go exactly as planned, I was able to successfully achieve a VBAC after 36 hours of labor. Elise (or "baby Halise", as Logan lovingly calls her) is here, healthy, and I will always be grateful to the doctors and nurses who helped her to get here safely :).
Sunday, December 29, 2013
December 21 - Elise's birth story
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
41 Weeks
So here we are, one week overdue. I really didn't think this pregnancy would last this long (I actually thought she would come early) but I've come to the conclusion that I have a very comfortable uterus which causes my children to want to hibernate for as long as possible. That and they're stubborn, which is a trait that runs in the family (I won't say which side ;)).
I had my double appointment on Monday which started with a biophysical profile (ultrasound) to make sure the baby was still moving, heart rate was strong, amniotic fluid was sufficient, etc. and she passed with flying colors. From there, I waited to meet with my doctor but was thrown a bit of a curveball. He was on-call and was stuck with another patient at the hospital. This didn't bother me because when I go into labor, I hope he makes me his priority.... so I really didn't mind waiting. The nurse was able to get Dr. Walsh, the woman doctor of the practice, to come meet with me briefly instead. I really did appreciate her taking the time to see me but she uses a very different approach than Dr. Lambert (and Dr. Barrett) does, which I don't appreciate. The first thing she said when she walked into the room was "so, should we go ahead and just schedule your c-section?" Dr. Lambert and I have a plan for going forward so I really want to stick with it to have the best chance of achieving my goal of a VBAC. I understand that Christmas is coming up and it could be a good idea to get on their schedule, just in case, but I feel that by doing so I'd be admitting defeat before I even have a good chance of going into labor spontaneously. And maybe it's just me, I don't know, because another girl I spoke to while we were in the waiting room said that she had a successful VBAC with Dr. Walsh and she had nothing but good things to say about her. Anyway, I told her about my plan with Dr. Lambert and that seemed to satisfy her. I asked her about doing a membrane sweep so she checked me but said I was only "fingertip dilated" so she wasn't able to do it.
I scheduled a Non Stress Test for this Friday (assuming I'll still be pregnant), which is where they will strap a fetal monitor onto my belly and I get to relax for about 30 minutes while they get readings of baby's heart rate to make sure she's still doing ok. Assuming all goes well (which I'm praying it will), Dr. Lambert said he'll let me go through the weekend but if I'm still pregnant next Monday we'll have to "make a decision" (i.e. - schedule a c-section). This is where I'm a little nervous... I doubt they'll let me go past 42 weeks, which is Christmas day so they'll probably want me to schedule a c-section sometime on Monday or Tuesday. If it's Monday, I should be able to get discharged on Christmas Day but if it's on Tuesday, I'll be stuck in the hospital until the day after Christmas. I'm so excited about Christmas this year because this is the first year that Logan is really into it and I want it to be a really special day for him. I'm sure it will be regardless, but still. I'm just praying (and praying and begging and pleading) for labor to start SOON! I'm sure I've mentioned before but my doctor will not induce labor since I'm attempting a VBAC, which means labor has to start naturally/spontaneously. This leads me to my next point:
I've been looking into natural methods of induction. Of course there's castor oil, evening primrose oil, blue cohosh, etc. but whenever I get my hopes up I end up reading about a negative side effect that causes me to backtrack. I actually bought some evening primrose oil capsules tonight with the intention of taking some to 'prep my cervix' but then I read that it can act as a blood thinner. In the event that I might have another c-section, I don't want to risk bleeding or hemorrhaging. I also read that it (as well as blue cohosh) can increase chances of uterine rupture... and castor oil just scares me, mainly because I don't want the baby to poop before she comes out. So I keep going back to my original decision to just wait it out and pray that baby comes :). Please cooperate, baby Elise!
Not much new is going on this week other than her being lower and causing more pelvic discomfort. Sometimes when I walk around, I feel fine... other times I feel like she's about to fall out and it causes a very painful waddle. I'm sure I'm quite the sight to behold :). Everyone at work has been very sweet and supportive, even though I can tell they feel bad that I'm still there. My boss keeps commenting that he's happy I'm there and he wants me to hold out as long as possible (as if I have a say in the matter) and I finally had to tell him to stop because he was getting on my nerves ;). I have moments where I feel extremely emotional and think I'm going to have a breakdown but I've been able to 'keep my cool' pretty well so far.
Here are some updates for this week:
*Braxton Hicks contractions - I get them a LOT so I think my uterus has been thoroughly prepped ;).
*Carpal tunnel - my right index and middle fingers are almost permanently numb as well as the tip of my thumb. My wrist brace only helps slightly. My left hand is starting to do the same thing, but not nearly as often.
*My heartburn has gotten worse this week... how, I have no idea, but it's really hitting me hard.
*Exhaustion - pretty self-explanatory
*Swelling - Feet, ankles, arms, hands, belly, and I think I'm starting to get "prego nose"
In spite of all the above, I'm actually doing ok. Just trying to take one day at a time and I know that by this time next week we'll have this sweet baby girl in our arms :).
Also, on the bright side, cankles make it nearly impossible to cut my ankle area while shaving my legs... that is, providing I can actually reach my legs to shave them ;).
That's all for now, folks. Prayers for labor are very appreciated!!!
I had my double appointment on Monday which started with a biophysical profile (ultrasound) to make sure the baby was still moving, heart rate was strong, amniotic fluid was sufficient, etc. and she passed with flying colors. From there, I waited to meet with my doctor but was thrown a bit of a curveball. He was on-call and was stuck with another patient at the hospital. This didn't bother me because when I go into labor, I hope he makes me his priority.... so I really didn't mind waiting. The nurse was able to get Dr. Walsh, the woman doctor of the practice, to come meet with me briefly instead. I really did appreciate her taking the time to see me but she uses a very different approach than Dr. Lambert (and Dr. Barrett) does, which I don't appreciate. The first thing she said when she walked into the room was "so, should we go ahead and just schedule your c-section?" Dr. Lambert and I have a plan for going forward so I really want to stick with it to have the best chance of achieving my goal of a VBAC. I understand that Christmas is coming up and it could be a good idea to get on their schedule, just in case, but I feel that by doing so I'd be admitting defeat before I even have a good chance of going into labor spontaneously. And maybe it's just me, I don't know, because another girl I spoke to while we were in the waiting room said that she had a successful VBAC with Dr. Walsh and she had nothing but good things to say about her. Anyway, I told her about my plan with Dr. Lambert and that seemed to satisfy her. I asked her about doing a membrane sweep so she checked me but said I was only "fingertip dilated" so she wasn't able to do it.
I scheduled a Non Stress Test for this Friday (assuming I'll still be pregnant), which is where they will strap a fetal monitor onto my belly and I get to relax for about 30 minutes while they get readings of baby's heart rate to make sure she's still doing ok. Assuming all goes well (which I'm praying it will), Dr. Lambert said he'll let me go through the weekend but if I'm still pregnant next Monday we'll have to "make a decision" (i.e. - schedule a c-section). This is where I'm a little nervous... I doubt they'll let me go past 42 weeks, which is Christmas day so they'll probably want me to schedule a c-section sometime on Monday or Tuesday. If it's Monday, I should be able to get discharged on Christmas Day but if it's on Tuesday, I'll be stuck in the hospital until the day after Christmas. I'm so excited about Christmas this year because this is the first year that Logan is really into it and I want it to be a really special day for him. I'm sure it will be regardless, but still. I'm just praying (and praying and begging and pleading) for labor to start SOON! I'm sure I've mentioned before but my doctor will not induce labor since I'm attempting a VBAC, which means labor has to start naturally/spontaneously. This leads me to my next point:
I've been looking into natural methods of induction. Of course there's castor oil, evening primrose oil, blue cohosh, etc. but whenever I get my hopes up I end up reading about a negative side effect that causes me to backtrack. I actually bought some evening primrose oil capsules tonight with the intention of taking some to 'prep my cervix' but then I read that it can act as a blood thinner. In the event that I might have another c-section, I don't want to risk bleeding or hemorrhaging. I also read that it (as well as blue cohosh) can increase chances of uterine rupture... and castor oil just scares me, mainly because I don't want the baby to poop before she comes out. So I keep going back to my original decision to just wait it out and pray that baby comes :). Please cooperate, baby Elise!
Not much new is going on this week other than her being lower and causing more pelvic discomfort. Sometimes when I walk around, I feel fine... other times I feel like she's about to fall out and it causes a very painful waddle. I'm sure I'm quite the sight to behold :). Everyone at work has been very sweet and supportive, even though I can tell they feel bad that I'm still there. My boss keeps commenting that he's happy I'm there and he wants me to hold out as long as possible (as if I have a say in the matter) and I finally had to tell him to stop because he was getting on my nerves ;). I have moments where I feel extremely emotional and think I'm going to have a breakdown but I've been able to 'keep my cool' pretty well so far.
Here are some updates for this week:
*Braxton Hicks contractions - I get them a LOT so I think my uterus has been thoroughly prepped ;).
*Carpal tunnel - my right index and middle fingers are almost permanently numb as well as the tip of my thumb. My wrist brace only helps slightly. My left hand is starting to do the same thing, but not nearly as often.
*My heartburn has gotten worse this week... how, I have no idea, but it's really hitting me hard.
*Exhaustion - pretty self-explanatory
*Swelling - Feet, ankles, arms, hands, belly, and I think I'm starting to get "prego nose"
In spite of all the above, I'm actually doing ok. Just trying to take one day at a time and I know that by this time next week we'll have this sweet baby girl in our arms :).
Also, on the bright side, cankles make it nearly impossible to cut my ankle area while shaving my legs... that is, providing I can actually reach my legs to shave them ;).
That's all for now, folks. Prayers for labor are very appreciated!!!
3rd Trimester,
41 Weeks,
Braxton Hicks,
natural induction,
Saturday, December 14, 2013
40 Weeks +3
I know it's mid-week but I just feel like blogging something. I'm usually asleep by 10pm (whether I'm on the couch or in bed, it doesn't seem to matter) but it's 11:30 and I'm still wide awake. Maybe it's because there are Psych reruns on tv (woo!) or maybe there's something else going on? I'm hopeful but just waiting for a clear sign that labor has started (nothing yet).
Jason laughed at me last night because I told him every time I woke up to go to the bathroom, I wondered "did my water break yet?" and every time the answer was no. I keep expecting to wake up with a wet bed, in pain, etc. but it hasn't happened. I'm still working full-time which has been challenging but it has given me something to do with my time. I'd probably be pretty bored if I just stayed at home all day, even though it would be nice to get some things taken care of around here.
Most of our Christmas shopping is done but I do still need to make a couple of things to send to Oregon. I guess I should make that a priority tomorrow, if I'm still home :). I've been getting more pelvic and lower back pain today and was thinking maybe labor was starting but then it died down to nothing. I'm still getting plenty of Braxton Hicks contractions and I think she has dropped down into the "prime" position :). Earlier in the week I don't think she was quite low enough because when I drove over speed bumps, they didn't bother me much. Now when I drive over any bumps, I feel like I need to be sitting on a donut pillow thing. Yikes, they hurt.
Baby is still active and apparently very happy where she is. I hope she decides to move out soon, though. Jason and I got most of the decals up on the walls of her bedroom and they look soooo good. I love all the little birds and the colors came together really nicely. The decor is pretty understated but classic and something she can grow into. I really like it :). I'm excited to move the crib and rocking chair in there but won't be able to do that until we buy a big boy bed for Logan (soon). I will post pictures or a short tour video when it's all put together :).
Welp... almost midnight and my heartburn is still hitting me pretty hard. Ugh, I'm looking forward to not dealing with heartburn anymore. It has been pretty bad lately.
Geesh, I feel knees, feet, and a butt squirming around in my belly. I'm kinda surprised that she can still move around so well. If labor doesn't start by Monday morning, I'll get to see her again on Monday afternoon during the biophysical profile (ultrasound).
Anyway, I think it's time for bed. Prayers for contractions are appreciated :).
Jason laughed at me last night because I told him every time I woke up to go to the bathroom, I wondered "did my water break yet?" and every time the answer was no. I keep expecting to wake up with a wet bed, in pain, etc. but it hasn't happened. I'm still working full-time which has been challenging but it has given me something to do with my time. I'd probably be pretty bored if I just stayed at home all day, even though it would be nice to get some things taken care of around here.
Most of our Christmas shopping is done but I do still need to make a couple of things to send to Oregon. I guess I should make that a priority tomorrow, if I'm still home :). I've been getting more pelvic and lower back pain today and was thinking maybe labor was starting but then it died down to nothing. I'm still getting plenty of Braxton Hicks contractions and I think she has dropped down into the "prime" position :). Earlier in the week I don't think she was quite low enough because when I drove over speed bumps, they didn't bother me much. Now when I drive over any bumps, I feel like I need to be sitting on a donut pillow thing. Yikes, they hurt.
Baby is still active and apparently very happy where she is. I hope she decides to move out soon, though. Jason and I got most of the decals up on the walls of her bedroom and they look soooo good. I love all the little birds and the colors came together really nicely. The decor is pretty understated but classic and something she can grow into. I really like it :). I'm excited to move the crib and rocking chair in there but won't be able to do that until we buy a big boy bed for Logan (soon). I will post pictures or a short tour video when it's all put together :).
Welp... almost midnight and my heartburn is still hitting me pretty hard. Ugh, I'm looking forward to not dealing with heartburn anymore. It has been pretty bad lately.
Geesh, I feel knees, feet, and a butt squirming around in my belly. I'm kinda surprised that she can still move around so well. If labor doesn't start by Monday morning, I'll get to see her again on Monday afternoon during the biophysical profile (ultrasound).
Anyway, I think it's time for bed. Prayers for contractions are appreciated :).
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
40 Weeks!
This week's Alpha Mom update is probably my favorite one ever. It goes like this:
Your Baby:
You may continue to trudge to work everyday, silently fuming about how this was SO NOT WHAT YOU MEANT by your plan to “work up until your due date.” You may start working from home, blaming an inability to fit into your shoes or keep the bottom few inches of your belly covered...
There's more to it but that's the basic gist :).
Appointment update: I had my 40 week appointment today and the first thing the doctor asked when he walked in the room was "so how long do you want to keep this going?" My response was "as long as I can" and he basically said ok. The female doctor I saw last week seemed to be more of the opinion that I needed to schedule a c-section asap and that I wasn't allowed to go over 41 weeks. My regular OB doctor said he'll let me go over 41 but they like to monitor the baby fairly closely. Here's the gameplan going forward: my next appointment is scheduled for next Monday and they will do a 'biophysical profile' which is basically an ultrasound to make sure the baby's muscle tone, breathing function, heart rate, amniotic fluid, and my placenta are all looking healthy. As long as that's still good, I'll return on Friday (if I'm still pregnant) and they will hook me up to a fetal monitor for about 30 minutes to make sure her heart rate is good. If all is still well, he'll let me go through the following weekend but if I'm still pregnant around Monday the 23rd he said we will have to make a decision about what to do. So there's a chance she could be a Christmas Eve baby but I'm still hoping she will come sooner since my doctor won't induce for a VBAC.
Anyway... currently I'm about 1cm dilated and 30% effaced & softened. Fun times. He said he could've done a membrane sweep (I need to do some research on this) but I wasn't dilated enough. I've heard that it isn't as effective until after 41 weeks anyway, but I need to look into it.
As far as my carpal tunnel issues, he sent me to the pharmacy to get a wrist splint. I've been wearing it all afternoon and the numbness has mostly been replaced with tingling, so I guess that's progress. I had to take it off to type this, though, because my hand is close to worthless while it's on :).
On the homefront, our Christmas tree is up, lights are on the house, and stockings are hung. I finished most of my Christmas shopping this week, just in case baby Elise decides to make an appearance. I've been getting some more painful contractions but they're very random. I was getting back pains during church on Sunday and was hopeful that it could mean impending labor but they stopped right after church, boo. If it wasn't raining constantly this week, I'd be taking walks outside to try and get labor started. I went shopping/walking at Target last night and it felt pretty good. I'm thinking about walking around the plant at work whenever I get a chance but it would be nice to get outside. Today was the first day without rain in weeks, so I'm going to recruit a couple of coworkers to go on a stroll outside with me tomorrow.
My due date is tomorrow (Wednesday the 11th) but I just wanted to touch on the topic of due dates briefly. When I was pregnant with Logan, the doctor tried to give me a little heart-to-heart as I was approaching my due date. She said the due date isn't an exact science and that some doctors had been talking about changing it from a due date to a due week. While that might help most pregnant women to not lose their !@^#*$! minds at the end of their pregnancies, I don't see it happening anytime soon. And even though women know that the due date doesn't mean a baby is going to be born "on time", it's still really hard to get close or pass the due date without getting upset/emotional/anxious, etc. I tried explaining it to my boss today... when you first find out you're pregnant, you're given a date. During the 9 or so months of pregnancy, you look forward to that date with expectation and an eagerness that really can't be explained. Then you reach that date. You pass that date. Nothing happens. I have to say that I'm pretty easy to deal with when I'm pregnant... I try not to make a fuss or call more attention to myself but when I passed my due date with Logan, I was extremely upset, hormonal, emotional, etc. It's just really hard to be patient when that's what you've been doing for 9+ months straight :). I'm trying to stay calm this time while still remaining hopeful that labor will start on its own very soon. At this point in both pregnancies, I leaned on a specific scripture:
Philippians 4:6-8
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Meditating on this has helped a little but there's still a small part of me that's anxious. Lord, please help me to get through this week if she doesn't come out!!! I will say, though, that I'm feeling much more at peace with everything since my appointment this morning. It helps to know that as long as Elise is healthy and strong in the womb, they will let me continue carrying her without worrying about a c-section. I'm not under quite as much pressure now :).
Elise has been very active this week. I've been sitting on the couch tonight watching her poke her rear, knees, and feet out of my belly. I think I even felt some toes, which was kinda cute :). I'm still getting random contractions that make it look like I'm smuggling a bowling ball. She is pretty low at this point... if she gets much lower I think she'll start to crown (I hope).
That's about it for now. I think I covered more than everything :). Will update next week or sooner if things start to happen! Prayers are appreciated ;).
Your Baby:
- get out get out get out.
- get out get out get out get out.
- get out get out get out get out get out.
- get out! get out get out get out.
- and for real: GET OUT.
You may continue to trudge to work everyday, silently fuming about how this was SO NOT WHAT YOU MEANT by your plan to “work up until your due date.” You may start working from home, blaming an inability to fit into your shoes or keep the bottom few inches of your belly covered...
There's more to it but that's the basic gist :).
Appointment update: I had my 40 week appointment today and the first thing the doctor asked when he walked in the room was "so how long do you want to keep this going?" My response was "as long as I can" and he basically said ok. The female doctor I saw last week seemed to be more of the opinion that I needed to schedule a c-section asap and that I wasn't allowed to go over 41 weeks. My regular OB doctor said he'll let me go over 41 but they like to monitor the baby fairly closely. Here's the gameplan going forward: my next appointment is scheduled for next Monday and they will do a 'biophysical profile' which is basically an ultrasound to make sure the baby's muscle tone, breathing function, heart rate, amniotic fluid, and my placenta are all looking healthy. As long as that's still good, I'll return on Friday (if I'm still pregnant) and they will hook me up to a fetal monitor for about 30 minutes to make sure her heart rate is good. If all is still well, he'll let me go through the following weekend but if I'm still pregnant around Monday the 23rd he said we will have to make a decision about what to do. So there's a chance she could be a Christmas Eve baby but I'm still hoping she will come sooner since my doctor won't induce for a VBAC.
Anyway... currently I'm about 1cm dilated and 30% effaced & softened. Fun times. He said he could've done a membrane sweep (I need to do some research on this) but I wasn't dilated enough. I've heard that it isn't as effective until after 41 weeks anyway, but I need to look into it.
As far as my carpal tunnel issues, he sent me to the pharmacy to get a wrist splint. I've been wearing it all afternoon and the numbness has mostly been replaced with tingling, so I guess that's progress. I had to take it off to type this, though, because my hand is close to worthless while it's on :).
On the homefront, our Christmas tree is up, lights are on the house, and stockings are hung. I finished most of my Christmas shopping this week, just in case baby Elise decides to make an appearance. I've been getting some more painful contractions but they're very random. I was getting back pains during church on Sunday and was hopeful that it could mean impending labor but they stopped right after church, boo. If it wasn't raining constantly this week, I'd be taking walks outside to try and get labor started. I went shopping/walking at Target last night and it felt pretty good. I'm thinking about walking around the plant at work whenever I get a chance but it would be nice to get outside. Today was the first day without rain in weeks, so I'm going to recruit a couple of coworkers to go on a stroll outside with me tomorrow.
My due date is tomorrow (Wednesday the 11th) but I just wanted to touch on the topic of due dates briefly. When I was pregnant with Logan, the doctor tried to give me a little heart-to-heart as I was approaching my due date. She said the due date isn't an exact science and that some doctors had been talking about changing it from a due date to a due week. While that might help most pregnant women to not lose their !@^#*$! minds at the end of their pregnancies, I don't see it happening anytime soon. And even though women know that the due date doesn't mean a baby is going to be born "on time", it's still really hard to get close or pass the due date without getting upset/emotional/anxious, etc. I tried explaining it to my boss today... when you first find out you're pregnant, you're given a date. During the 9 or so months of pregnancy, you look forward to that date with expectation and an eagerness that really can't be explained. Then you reach that date. You pass that date. Nothing happens. I have to say that I'm pretty easy to deal with when I'm pregnant... I try not to make a fuss or call more attention to myself but when I passed my due date with Logan, I was extremely upset, hormonal, emotional, etc. It's just really hard to be patient when that's what you've been doing for 9+ months straight :). I'm trying to stay calm this time while still remaining hopeful that labor will start on its own very soon. At this point in both pregnancies, I leaned on a specific scripture:
Philippians 4:6-8
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Meditating on this has helped a little but there's still a small part of me that's anxious. Lord, please help me to get through this week if she doesn't come out!!! I will say, though, that I'm feeling much more at peace with everything since my appointment this morning. It helps to know that as long as Elise is healthy and strong in the womb, they will let me continue carrying her without worrying about a c-section. I'm not under quite as much pressure now :).
Elise has been very active this week. I've been sitting on the couch tonight watching her poke her rear, knees, and feet out of my belly. I think I even felt some toes, which was kinda cute :). I'm still getting random contractions that make it look like I'm smuggling a bowling ball. She is pretty low at this point... if she gets much lower I think she'll start to crown (I hope).
That's about it for now. I think I covered more than everything :). Will update next week or sooner if things start to happen! Prayers are appreciated ;).
Monday, December 9, 2013
39 Weeks
Even though I'm almost 40 weeks, here's my 39 week update. The Alpha Mom update for this week says this about baby:
Your Baby:
Not much new has happened this week. I'm still bulbous, uncomfortable, and having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions. I've never looked forward to being in excruciating pain so much in my life ;). I'm still having issues with pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel in both hands, especially my right. My right thumb (tip), middle and index fingers are numb because my hands are so swollen. It's really annoying. And my left hand is starting to randomly go numb too, especially when I try to grasp things. When I talked to the doctor about it, she said she could refer me to an orthopedic practice to get a steroid shot in my wrist but when I called them to schedule an appointment (last Tuesday), they didn't have anything available until this Friday. I didn't think it was worth it at the time, but maybe I should've just scheduled the appointment, just in case. If/when I go into labor, I'm a little concerned about how I'm going to grasp anything to bear down when it's time to push.
I'm still working full-time and everybody at work seems to be pretty understanding. My boss especially knows not to mess with me (too much) because I can be a bit touchy at times. I try to be as pleasant as I can but I still have my moments :).
There are more things I can post but they would probably run into my week 40 update, so I guess I'll leave them out for now. I did go eat the eggplant parmigiana at Scalini's Italian restaurant last night... there are over 300 women who have gone into labor within 48 hours of eating that so I figured I would give it a shot. When I was pregnant with Logan, I made the recipe myself (they have it posted on their website) and it didn't work but people told me "you have to GO there!" so we're putting them to the test. It has been about 26 hours, so there are only about 22 left... although I did eat leftovers for dinner tonight so does that extend the time out another 24 hours? Hmmm... we'll see :).
Here are my weekly updates:
Contractions: I've been feeling them multiple times each day but nothing close together or consistent.
Cravings: Not craving anything.
Weight: My total is up to 34 lbs
Swelling: Hands, feet, ankles, etc. The carpal tunnel is really aggravating and uncomfortable.
Things to do: Install the infant car seat, put decals on baby room wall
Heartburn: Zantac 2x daily
Stretching: Nothing new :)
My 40 week checkup is tomorrow and I'm sure the doctor will actually "check" me (up to his elbow, yikes). I'm hoping I'm at least a little bit dilated & effaced but we'll see. Will update soon with my 40 week post, just in case something happens :).
Your Baby:
- Is full-term, almost done, probably about a medium-well on the Burger Scale.
- Is about 20 inches long and over seven pounds, maybe, depends, who knows.
Not much new has happened this week. I'm still bulbous, uncomfortable, and having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions. I've never looked forward to being in excruciating pain so much in my life ;). I'm still having issues with pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel in both hands, especially my right. My right thumb (tip), middle and index fingers are numb because my hands are so swollen. It's really annoying. And my left hand is starting to randomly go numb too, especially when I try to grasp things. When I talked to the doctor about it, she said she could refer me to an orthopedic practice to get a steroid shot in my wrist but when I called them to schedule an appointment (last Tuesday), they didn't have anything available until this Friday. I didn't think it was worth it at the time, but maybe I should've just scheduled the appointment, just in case. If/when I go into labor, I'm a little concerned about how I'm going to grasp anything to bear down when it's time to push.
I'm still working full-time and everybody at work seems to be pretty understanding. My boss especially knows not to mess with me (too much) because I can be a bit touchy at times. I try to be as pleasant as I can but I still have my moments :).
There are more things I can post but they would probably run into my week 40 update, so I guess I'll leave them out for now. I did go eat the eggplant parmigiana at Scalini's Italian restaurant last night... there are over 300 women who have gone into labor within 48 hours of eating that so I figured I would give it a shot. When I was pregnant with Logan, I made the recipe myself (they have it posted on their website) and it didn't work but people told me "you have to GO there!" so we're putting them to the test. It has been about 26 hours, so there are only about 22 left... although I did eat leftovers for dinner tonight so does that extend the time out another 24 hours? Hmmm... we'll see :).
Here are my weekly updates:
Contractions: I've been feeling them multiple times each day but nothing close together or consistent.
Cravings: Not craving anything.
Weight: My total is up to 34 lbs
Swelling: Hands, feet, ankles, etc. The carpal tunnel is really aggravating and uncomfortable.
Things to do: Install the infant car seat, put decals on baby room wall
Heartburn: Zantac 2x daily
Stretching: Nothing new :)
My 40 week checkup is tomorrow and I'm sure the doctor will actually "check" me (up to his elbow, yikes). I'm hoping I'm at least a little bit dilated & effaced but we'll see. Will update soon with my 40 week post, just in case something happens :).
39 Weeks,
3rd Trimester,
full term,
Sunday, December 1, 2013
38 Weeks
I'm in the home stretch (pun not intended). It has been a pretty good and productive week. My birthday was on Monday (happy 31!) and Thanksgiving was on Thursday so I got to pig out about as much as my stomach allowed me to. I'm still working full-time so the Thanksgiving break was much needed and I got a chance to relax at home quite a bit. I'm still really tired but I feel like I got a lot accomplished. The dresser for the baby's room arrived and Jason quickly put it together. I took advantage of the long weekend (including Black Friday) to get some of the decorations up and I also sewed two pillow covers (for small throw pillows) and started sewing the last baby blanket. I did a bunch of laundry and put most of the baby clothes away. The decals arrived yesterday but we haven't put them on the walls yet. I'm excited to get them up but need to prep the walls first.
I packed my bag for the hospital as much as I possibly could (still need to throw in phone chargers and other everyday items when the time comes). I also bought Logan a backpack from a consignment store so that he has his very own bag that's ready for when mommy goes to the hospital. He loves his backpack and stuffed it full of fruit snacks and juice boxes as soon as I told him what it was for. Too cute :). The gift that I ordered for Logan (from baby Elise) arrived in the mail yesterday too and I just need to wrap it and put it in my hospital bag... it's a book that he reads at daycare that he absolutely loves so I think he'll be impressed that Elise knew about it ;).
Jason and I got to go out a couple times this week on "dates" which was nice. I'm sure it will be a while until we'll get to do that again. We went to Red Robin for my free birthday burger and then went back again on Black Friday night before going to see Catching Fire. I enjoyed it :).
Contractions: I've been feeling them multiple times each day but nothing close together or consistent.
Cravings: Not really craving anything but eating a bowl of cereal just about every night.
Weight: My total is up to 31 lbs
Swelling: Hands, feet, ankles, etc. The carpal tunnel is really aggravating and uncomfortable.
Things to do: Install the infant car seat
Heartburn: Zantac 2x daily
Stretching: Minimal stretching beyond what I have from Logan.
I go back to the doctor tomorrow (Monday) because my appointment this past Wednesday was canceled. The doctor had two c-sections scheduled at the last minute but I'm feeling fine so I'm not worried about missing that appointment.
I had to buy some men's slippers this afternoon because I couldn't find any women's in the right size for my poor puffy feet. I fully plan on wearing them to work and I'm sure nobody will have anything to say about it ;).
I'm closing the baby pool tonight (I forgot to do it earlier this week), so good luck to everyone who has entered a guess :). The winner will be posted as soon as I can after she's born. I'm not entering a guess (don't want to mess up the game) but my guess is December 7th (a day that will live in infamy) at 8:15pm, 7lbs 5oz and 20.5" long :).
I will try to post pictures of the nursery when we have more completed (decals on the wall, etc.). It's going to be adorable! :)
I packed my bag for the hospital as much as I possibly could (still need to throw in phone chargers and other everyday items when the time comes). I also bought Logan a backpack from a consignment store so that he has his very own bag that's ready for when mommy goes to the hospital. He loves his backpack and stuffed it full of fruit snacks and juice boxes as soon as I told him what it was for. Too cute :). The gift that I ordered for Logan (from baby Elise) arrived in the mail yesterday too and I just need to wrap it and put it in my hospital bag... it's a book that he reads at daycare that he absolutely loves so I think he'll be impressed that Elise knew about it ;).
Jason and I got to go out a couple times this week on "dates" which was nice. I'm sure it will be a while until we'll get to do that again. We went to Red Robin for my free birthday burger and then went back again on Black Friday night before going to see Catching Fire. I enjoyed it :).
Contractions: I've been feeling them multiple times each day but nothing close together or consistent.
Cravings: Not really craving anything but eating a bowl of cereal just about every night.
Weight: My total is up to 31 lbs
Swelling: Hands, feet, ankles, etc. The carpal tunnel is really aggravating and uncomfortable.
Things to do: Install the infant car seat
Heartburn: Zantac 2x daily
Stretching: Minimal stretching beyond what I have from Logan.
I go back to the doctor tomorrow (Monday) because my appointment this past Wednesday was canceled. The doctor had two c-sections scheduled at the last minute but I'm feeling fine so I'm not worried about missing that appointment.
I had to buy some men's slippers this afternoon because I couldn't find any women's in the right size for my poor puffy feet. I fully plan on wearing them to work and I'm sure nobody will have anything to say about it ;).
I'm closing the baby pool tonight (I forgot to do it earlier this week), so good luck to everyone who has entered a guess :). The winner will be posted as soon as I can after she's born. I'm not entering a guess (don't want to mess up the game) but my guess is December 7th (a day that will live in infamy) at 8:15pm, 7lbs 5oz and 20.5" long :).
I will try to post pictures of the nursery when we have more completed (decals on the wall, etc.). It's going to be adorable! :)
38 Weeks,
3rd Trimester,
baby pool,
carpal tunnel,
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