Monday, January 3, 2011

Ultrasound #2

What a day.  Now that my emotions are under control, I'll post about my ultrasound this afternoon.  I went in at 3:40 (appt was at 4) and sat in the waiting room until 5:10... ugh.  The nurse's assistant finally brought me back to the ultrasound room and started looking at the baby.  He was very cooperative this time... good boy! :)  She took all the measurements again and he is measuring 22 weeks 5 days.  I'm 22 weeks 3 days today, so he's right on track.  Also, he's weighing in at 1 pound 2 ounces... he's a big'un!  She only printed off one picture for me, his profile, but he's so cute I just can't get enough of those pictures :).

She then had the doctor come in and he did the same thing.  He checked all the organs and took measurements and confirmed that the umbilical cord only has 2 vessels.  While this is fairly normal, he said that it can be a signal of kidney or heart problems.  He also said that because of the 2 vessels, they will need to monitor his growth throughout the pregnancy to make sure he's growing properly.  The kidneys looked fine, but the heart was a slightly different story.  He said there's a small hole in the heart, which he called VSD.  Also, the heart is positioned more toward the center of the chest than to the left, which is where it should be.  Finally, he said the arteries in the heart are backward or opposite of where they should be.  I don't think they're pumping incorrectly or anything, but they're backward.  He didn't make it sound like any of these issues were huge concerns, but he wants me to come back in for another ultrasound next Monday.  His partner at the practice is a cardio specialist and he wants her to be there to look at baby's heart.  He also wants to do an amniocentesis, which I am a bit scared about.  I've refused all screenings up to this point, including the amnio, but he said he wants to check for/rule out any chromosomal defects, which could be the cause of his heart issues. 

Even though he told me all of these things, I just sat there thinking "no... no... no" and praying.  I still believe that God is bigger than any defect and that He is THE healer.  I'm praying for a healthy baby with a strong, functioning heart.  It's amazing how, as a pregnant woman, you can feel so connected to your little one even before meeting him/her.  As soon as I left the doctor's office, I started praying and couldn't help but cry.  I love this little guy and will do anything I can to keep him safe.  Like I said, I'm praying for a completely healthy baby... and I know that no matter what happens, God is always in control and He is Lord.

Please pray with me for baby Logan (yep, we're pretty sure that's his name), for health and for amazing results next week :). 


  1. My heart is with yours! Praying strong for you and baby Logan! xoox


  2. Wow, Lex..I feel your concern and will be in prayer along side of you!...Your right, God has a plan, and we must trust Him, and wait on Him...He has never failed Me and Uncle Joe..EVER...! Praying for Logan to wow them with his life for Christ!

  3. Alexis - So sorry to hear this concerning news! Will be praying for you and little Logan. I had scares with both my boys (Joseph and Adam), but they turned out totally healthy with no problems. With Joseph, they thought they saw a spot on his heart - He has no heart problems. With Adam, I had bright red bleeding in the 2nd trimester - Very concerning, but the ultrasound didn't show anything it could be, and he's also totally healthy. So remember that ultrasounds are not infallible, and our God is totally in control.

  4. Just read your blog and just sent out prayers over you and your precious baby. Prov 3:17 is my favorite verse and something I find comfort in, in times of uncertainty. May the Peace of Christ consume you and may you find sweet rest in Him. Our God is so much bigger!!!

    -Katie Hirsch

  5. Lexie, we are praying, praying, praying. Yes our God is bigger. He holds your whole world in his hands:-) Perhaps you have a powerful testimony in progress. The Lord delights in using these things to his glory. When my mother's heart feels like it is about to explode I think about Moses' mom, Daniel's mom, and yes the mother of our Jesus. They too knew worry and pain. God Bless you and your little family!
