Monday, April 4, 2011

35 Weeks

35 days to go until my due date!... er... now it's only 32 because I'm posting late again.  Oops :).

This week has been pretty good.  Since I posted my last entry late, I'll start where I left off.  I had an ultrasound on Thursday morning and it went pretty well.  Logan was active, as usual, but the doctors were able to get a pretty good look at everything they needed.  They printed another batch of pictures for us and the nurse got a decent picture of his face.  He's looking more and more like Jason!  He still has the heart defect, but the doctor said that other than that, he's healthy, strong, and active, which are all great signs.  From the measurements they took, they said he's approximately 5lbs, so he should be an average sized baby when he's born :).  The doctor said he will probably be somewhere between 7-8lbs, so if you guessed over 9lbs in our baby pool, you might want to enter a new guess ;).

Oh, and my blood pressure was perfect at the ultrasound... 121/83, yay :).  I'm still trying to be careful and pay attention to it, though, because I don't want it to become a problem in the next few weeks.  If you could continue to pray for that, I would really appreciate it :).

The last day of my part time job in Atlanta was also Thursday.  I'm going to miss working there, because I really enjoyed it, but it will be soooo nice to be working close to home.  And I'll feel much safer now that I don't have to drive on 2 major highways in traffic.

My last baby shower was on Saturday with church women and local family.  It was a lot of fun.  My friend, Christina planned it and she included so many little details to make it super special.  I really enjoyed it and got a lot of great presents :).  Jason put the crib together on Saturday morning, so when I got home I emptied all of the gift bags and started organizing everything... I'm super eager to finish the nursery decorating now!  The baby shower might've sparked the nesting instinct in me :).  I bought some navy blue curtains and found a dresser online from Ikea.  I think instead of buying a glider/rocker, we're going to buy a cover for our pink Lazy Boy recliner and use that.  Right now, we just have to go buy the dresser & a nightstand, move the recliner upstairs, and put decals and his name letters on the walls and we should be done :).  We still need to buy a few larger items from our registry (most importantly a carseat), but we got a few checks and gift cards that will help a lot.

I did a little project today with his name letters.  I'm super excited about them!  Instead of painting them, I decided to use scrapbook paper and Mod Podge (a craft glue product) so that they will have cool designs :).  Here's a quick picture I just took... you might need to click on it to view the full size so that you can see all of the details.  The theme is "transportation", so I found a book of scrapbook paper with a bunch of different car/truck/plane/rocket/train graphics :).

I love how it turned out and can't wait to put them on the wall :).

I have to get to bed, so I'm going to wrap this up with the growth and development details this week:
  • Your baby continues to grow and develop inside of you, now measuring about 18 inches long, and weighing about 6lbs!
  • If you have been noticing that you need more bathroom breaks than usual, it may be due to the fact that your baby has "dropped". As your due date grows near, your little one will settle deeper in your pelvis. This reduces pressure on your rib cage, allowing you more room to expand your diaphragm, but now there may be more pressure on your bladder.
  • By week 35, your baby's kidneys are completely developed. His liver is also beginning to produce waste. In fact, a majority of his growth is already done. However, you should expect him to put on some more weight over the next few weeks. As space is at a premium, you may not feel as much tossing and turning inside of you, but you will definitely feel some healthy punches and kicks.
Thanks for reading and for all of your prayers!!!

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