Wednesday, September 27, 2017

39 Weeks - Full Term!

Yikes, I went from 26 weeks to 39 weeks.  Poor 3rd child... I'm so on top of things right now. 

Here's a quick update on how things are going.  I'm exactly 39 weeks today and baby Anna dropped more last night.  This has made my breathing a little bit better and my waddling a little bit worse.  I've been sore for over 2 months now, so getting around has been a challenge.  Walking is super painful and I'm beyond caring what I look like.... although I did tell Jason "it's not waddling, it's swagger".  He didn't agree but that's ok.  It made me feel better :). 

Baby is around 7-ish lbs right now and 20-ish inches long.  So specific, right?  She's about the size of a pumpkin, which I believe.  I've been waiting for the fruit-vegetable comparisons to line up with how I'm feeling and it only took 39 weeks 😂.

The kids are ready for her to make her appearance.  Logan is on Fall break for school and apparently he has been talking about the baby a lot in school.  His teacher said he has to bring a baby picture to class once she's born.  He has been so sweet.  Every night, he says "goodnight" to the baby, kisses my belly, and tells her "you're so cute".  He says he's going to help with the baby after she's born, but laughs when I tell him she'll poop a lot and require lots of diaper changes.  Oh well... baby steps, I suppose.  Elise doesn't seem to be overly interested in the baby or her movements.  I'm not sure if she's just super chill about it or if she's ignoring the fact that she won't be the youngest or the only girl anymore.  She surprised me earlier this week by saying she's so excited about seeing the baby but she hasn't said much since then :).  I think they will both be great with her when she finally makes her appearance.

As with my other 2 pregnancies, my body is rebelling against dairy.  I'm also having a TON of Braxton Hicks contractions.  The combination of these 2 things is making me question whether I'm starting to have real contractions or if I'm just experiencing indigestion pains.  Either way, it has been very uncomfortable.

My 39 week checkup is tomorrow and the doctor will be checking to see if I'm dilated and effaced at all.  Hopefully the raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil have been helping!  Anna has been head-down for a while, but she's kind-of sideways.  My midwife suggested wearing a belly band or tying something around my belly to try keeping her in an upright position.  When I was in labor with Elise, the nurse had to tie a sheet around my belly.  Why are my kids so stubborn? 

39 Week Appointment Update:
I had my appointment today and I consented to a cervix check.  The nurse said it's soft but closed.  The baby is head-down but not engaged... so there's nothing going on yet.  I'm not really discouraged yet because I'm only 39 weeks but I'm really hoping things will start happening over the next week so I can avoid a C-section.

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