Sunday, September 3, 2017

Birth Plan #3!

I sat down to write my birth plan for this baby and laughed when I looked over my previous plans.  I deleted the parts about "no pain medication" and "no interventions".  I think those could've been realistic had I not been attempting my first VBAC and if they hadn't hooked me up to pitocin as soon as I arrived.  Anyway... this one is a bit more flexible since I'm attempting a repeat VBAC and there are a lot more ifs involved.  Here it is for anyone who might be interested :).

Birth Plan:

The person present for the birth will be Alexis’s husband, Jason Snooks.  My ultimate goal is to successfully achieve a repeat VBAC.  I understand that compromises may need to be made, however the following are my preferences.

  • I want only Kaiser Permanente doctors, nurses, and midwives to attend to me.
  • I would like to be out of bed as much as possible during labor (walking, etc.).
  • I would like to be able to drink clear liquids as well as a protein supplement, if possible.
  • If continuous fetal monitoring is required, I wish to be upright and mobile while connected to the monitor.
  • In the past, I have progressed very slowly.  Please be patient with me! 😊
  • Due to having severe acid reflux, I will need a dose of Zantac every 12 hours.
  • I would like the option to be in a position other than lying on my back when I give birth (squatting, lying on my side, etc.).
  • As long as the baby and I are healthy, I prefer to push instinctively and to have no time limits on pushing.
  • I am fine with an episiotomy.  If needed, please perform.
 After Delivery
  • I would like my baby placed immediately skin-to-skin after delivery.
  • The umbilical cord shall not be clamped or cut until the baby is breathing and pink, and until all pulsation in the cord has ceased.
  • If the baby must be taken from me to receive medical treatment, Jason will accompany her.
  • I would like to breastfeed as soon as possible (within the first hour)
  • I would like to meet with a Lactation Consultant as soon as possible after delivery.
  • I want all procedures that are done and all medications that are given to my baby explained to me before they are carried out by the medical staff.  If I disagree with the administration of an immunization or medication, I am willing to sign a formal waiver.
  • I would like to have the baby evaluated and bathed in my presence.
  • Prior to our discharge, I wish for my baby to be placed on pulse oximetry to rule out any obvious heart conditions present at that time.

  • FYI, I have had 2 hernia surgeries with mesh and 1 previous C-Section.
  • Please ensure all medications administered are suitable for breastfeeding.
  • I would like to have warm blankets during the surgery.
  • Please inform my husband when the baby is being delivered.
  • In the event that a cesarean is necessary, we would still like to delay the cord clamping until pulsation has ceased.
  • I would like to have skin-to-skin contact with the baby as soon as it is possible in the delivery room.
  • I would like to nurse the baby as soon as possible after surgery (within the first hour).
  • If the baby is doing well medically, please bring her to me as soon as she is suctioned, weighed, and measured. Please do not worry about cleaning her up much before bringing her to me.
  • I do not wish to be separated from the baby after her delivery.  I would like for her to remain with me and my husband, even while I am in recovery.
  • I do not want any medications following surgery that will make me drowsy or that may interfere with my ability to remain aware and conscious.
  • I would like to be weaned off of the spinal/epidural as soon as possible after surgery and given an alternate form of pain relief (Percocet, etc.).
  • I would like to have my catheter and IV removed ASAP after my recovery period.
I would like to eat and be free to stand up and walk around as soon as possible after surgery.

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