Saturday, April 9, 2011

36 Weeks

Only 4 weeks or 27 days to go!  This week flew by so I can only imagine that the next few will be the same.  I started my new job on Monday and actually made it through the week without falling apart.  So far I enjoy my new job.  I'm learning a LOT, but I spent most of the week watching my boss close the monthly financials in SAP.  Whenever she thought of an errand that needed to be taken care of, she would send me as her runner, which meant lots of going up and down flights of stairs.  My legs were actually sore from all the stairs!  I guess it's a good thing, though, because I need to stay active for when I go into labor.  I was doing pretty good when I got home on Monday and Tuesday, but Wednesday through Friday nights I would nearly pass out as soon as I got home.  Working full time is definitely wearing me out, but it will make the time pass quickly until my due date :).

My lower back has been hurting pretty bad when I get into bed at night, but Jason has been great at giving me a quick massage so that I can fall asleep.  Since work is wearing me out, I'm actually sleeping really well with the exception of a few bathroom breaks each night.  The newest issue I'm dealing with is swelling.  My poor feet and ankles have been super puffy.  I can't really do anything about it while I'm at work, but as soon as I get home, I plop on the couch and put my feet up.  Oh, another not-so-great thing is that my face has been breaking out, gah.  Oh, the joys of hormones! :)

We haven't really done much more with the nursery since my last post.  Jason carried the Lazy Boy up, but we still need to get a dresser and nightstand so that we can put all of Logan's clothes away.  I did make his crib with our new bedding set from our friend Ginger, though.  It looks great! :)  Once we have everything set up, I'll post pictures.

We had our Childbirth class today down in Atlanta from 9-5:30.  It was VERY informative.  The instructor talked about everything... and I mean *everything*... and she showed a couple of movies.  I told Jason that he could close his eyes if he didn't want to see what was going on, but he said it was like a train wreck and he couldn't look away, haha.  I've seen lots of videos of childbirth and I've even seen it live and in person, but I think it was a new experience for Jason.  Poor guy :).  I think he learned a lot, though, which is good, and all of the husbands were instructed to give us nightly massages, woot!  We're supposed to go back tomorrow afternoon for a "newborn care" class, but I think we're going to skip it. 

Well, I think that's all for now.  Here are this week's development details:
  • Your baby continues to grow and develop inside of you, measuring over 19 inches long, and weighing about 6 ½ lbs! During week 36, your baby's most important job is to keep putting on weight. Actually, that's his primary job from now until delivery.
  • You probably have another 4 weeks to go until delivery, especially if this is your first pregnancy, but "Full Term" refers to the period between 37-41 weeks, so your baby could be coming any time now! Your due date is probably a good guideline to determine when your little one is coming. Even though few women deliver on their actual due date, many women deliver in the days just before or after.
I guess that doesn't say a whole lot about the baby, but oh well :).  I'm almost there! 

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