Sunday, April 24, 2011

Birth Plan

Ok, so I've finally decided to post my birth plan.  I don't want to start any debates and I know that a few of these items are controversial (everyone has an opinion!), so if you disagree with anything I have decided on, please be respectful of my wishes.  I have done quite a bit of research in order to come to the conclusions that I have.  If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment but please remember to be respectful :).  Also, I know that not everything in labor & delivery goes as planned, so some of these things may need to be reevaluated, but until something happens, this is my plan.  I have added a few additional comments for this entry in blue.

The people present for the birth will be Alexis’s husband, Jason Snooks, and possibly her mom, Linda Kowing.  (I might even be ok with my dad being in the room... still thinking about that one)

  • Please do not offer pain medication – I plan on using alternative pain relief options.  I will ask for pain medication if I need it.
  • I would like to be out of bed as much as possible during labor (walking, etc.).
  • I would prefer that the amniotic membrane (bag of waters) rupture naturally.
  • I prefer to use natural methods to start labor (instead of induction).

  • I would like the option to be in a position other than lying on my back when I give birth (squatting, lying on my side, etc.).
  • I prefer to tear (or use perineal massage, etc.) rather than having an episiotomy.
  • As long as the baby and I are healthy, I prefer to push instinctively and to have no time limits on pushing.

After Delivery
  • I would like my baby placed immediately skin-to-skin after delivery.
  • The umbilical cord shall not be clamped or cut until the baby is breathing and pink, and until all pulsation in the cord has ceased.
  • If the baby must be taken from me to receive medical treatment, I would like Jason to accompany the baby.
  • I would like to breastfeed as soon as possible (within the first hour)
  • I would like to meet with a Lactation Consultant as soon as possible after delivery.
  • I want all procedures that are done and all medications that are given to my baby explained to me before they are carried out by the medical staff.  If I disagree with the administration of an immunization or medication, I am willing to sign a formal waiver.
  • I would like to have the baby evaluated and bathed in my presence.
  • We do plan on having our baby circumcised at Kaiser Permanente/Northside Hospital.
That's it!  I'm not going to go into details on vaccines because that will open up a whole other can of worms that I don't want to deal with.  Advice and suggestions are welcome as long as they are given with love ;).


  1. I wish I had looked a little more into giving birth before I found my doctor. She is nice but as a practice they only give you ice chips or IV for fluids during labor (not even clear fluids to drink, even thought the WHO says that it is best to let the mother eat and drink, if she chooses to, during labor) and they also don't work with people who use the Bradley method (and I didn't even know what that was before a few months ago).
    But it looks like you have a lot of research done. If everything goes as planned this is how I would like to have my birth plan, but I am scared that bringing a birth plan would bias the nurses and on call doctors etc. against me. I will see at the hospital birthing class how they react to birth plans.
    I hope that everything goes well at your labor. Can't wait to see baby Logan!

  2. I've showed my birth plan to one of my midwives and a couple of the doctors (I'm with Kaiser so I could end up with whatever midwife or doctor is on call) and they all seemed pretty receptive. I have heard that a lot of nurses/doctors don't take birth plans seriously, though. I just think that unless an emergency arises, my requests are fairly reasonable (at least I think so). Whatever you choose to do, I hope they respect your wishes. After all, it's your body and your baby :).
